3. The Decline Of Man – Structure Of Parashat Bereshit
4. Snake Charming! The Seduction of Eve
Parsha Discussion (Short stimulating discussions for the Shabbat Table)
1. Are Morals Innate? (How did Cain know it was wrong to Murder?)
1. Nimrod – Builder or Destroyer?
2. Noach And Moshe – A Midrashic Comparison
3. Destruction and Recreation: Noah in the Garden of Eden
Lech Lecha
1. The Faith of Abraham – Why is Avraham's background missing from the Torah?
3. Beit El and Hebron – New place, New challenge
4. Creating History: Maaseh Avot Siman Lebanim
Lech Lecha Parsha Discussion Topics
1. Is Faith innate? Did Abraham find God at age 3 or age 40? And what is the difference between innate faith
and mature faith?
2. Sins of the Patriarchs. The Patriarchs and Matriarchs are seen as role models and people of virtue. But what happens when the Tanakh depicts them as acting problematically? Can we issue criticism? Does that criticism diminish them?
3. Why Circumcision? Jews circumcise their sons as a covenant and a sense of continuity.
But what values does this ritual express?
1. Laughter
2. Angels, Reality, Hospitality
3. Hospitality: Avraham vs. Lot
Vayera Parsha Discussion Topics
1. The Akeida. Clashing Commitments
2. Hospitality. A Family Project
3. Don't Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Haftara Shiur (1hr 10mins) - The Story of the Shunnamite and her Son. Why did the boy Die?
Chayei Sarah
1. The Legacy of Sarah - The structure of Parashat Chayei Sarah
2. Yitzchak and Rivka: A study of Opposites
1. Birth Rights: Does the Firstborn Matter?
2. Yitzchak – His secret strength.
Toldot Parsha Discussion Topics
1. Educating Esav. Could Esav have been raised in a different way? Rabbi SR Hirsch in a very progressive comment about parenting.
2. Does Birth Order Matter? What is the Birthright? Can you purchase birth-order?
3. Living for Today! Esau "Eats, Drinks, Gets up, and Leaves" The Rabbis suggest that Esau only thinks of the "now", not the long-term. In some ways, this reflects contemporary societal trends.
1. Rachel And Leah – Rival Forces
2. Yaakov and the Texture of Exile
3. Yaakov Stoned! (blog)
Parsha Discussion Topics
1. Materialism. What can Yaakov teach us about our "Amazon", "Black Friday" culture?
2. Which Yeshiva did Yaakov Attend? The Rabbis suggest that Jacob attended a Yeshiva. What might we learn from that Midrashic tradtition?
3. Jacob's Work Ethic. A look at the Parasha reveals that Jacob has an impressive work ethic. Is life about work or leisure?
2. Reuven's Sin – Peshat And Drash
3. Events of the Past – Lessons of Today / Maaseh Avot Siman Lebanim
1. Joseph's Dreams: Fantasy or Ideology?
1. The Joseph Story: Transformation Of A Family
2. Joseph's Wagons – Midrashic Echoes
4. Tears of Reunion - podcast / sourcesheet [Hebrew]
1. The Blessings Of The Tribes: Blessing? Curses? Or what?
2. The Two stories of the Burial Of Jacob
3. Jacob's Critical Lessons For Exile.