Shoftim: Are you an 'Anywhere' or a 'Somewhere'?
Are you an “Anywhere” or a “Somewhere”? David Goodhart articulated this dichotomy in his 2017 book, “The Road to Somewhere,” a book...

Teruma: How Do You Tie Your Shoelaces?
Words are good for description, even better for analysis, but pathetically inadequate for teaching how to do something.

Vayishlach. Yaakov's Procrastination
Sometimes we know what we should do but its hard to bring ourselves to do it.
Sometimes we don't even know why.

Shelach-Lecha, Nomadland, Gaza, Haredim...and the Liberal Left
Why did the Spies reject the Land of Israel? Hassidut says that they fell in love with the Midbar - a spiritual lifestyle.

Emor. Education and Internalization
How do we teach?
How do we learn?
How might we educate when a topic is really critical?

Tazria-Metzora. Setting Goals & Making Progress
Just like a musical octave, the eighth note is not a zenith, a peak. Rather it is again the first note of yet another cycle, of a new level.