Lech Lecha. Is Faith Innate or Acquired?
Questions of faith are not a threat; they are an opening to move from childhood or childish belief to a more sophisticated conception of God

Noach. The Challenge of Technology
“If a person fell and died, they wouldn’t pay attention to him/her but if a brick fell, they would sit and cry and say: how are we going t

Bereshit. "Where art thou?" - Are YOU Hiding?
Adam hides himself to avoid rendering accounts, to escape responsibility for his way of living. Every man hides for this purpose... (Buber)

Sukkot. The Key to Happiness
Our happiness is generated when we serve a higher cause, when we assist others, when we live for something larger than ourselves.

Yom Kippur. Confess!
We don’t have communal meals on Yom Kippur but we have plenty of opportunities to discuss the prayer service with our families, whether...