Noach. Getting Drunk!
Is drinking a healthy thing? What are its dangers?
Do you see people drinking to enjoy life or to escape life?
Do you think that adults you

Bereshit. Are Morals Innate?
Adam and Eve were EXPLICITLY instructed not to eat from the tree. In contrast, murder or fratricide had not been explicitly outlawed! Humani

Simchat Torah 5780. God at the Center
...for seven days of Sukkot we commit ourselves to Torah and Halakha in our lives, and only then, on Simhat Torah does the Torah itself incl

Haazinu 5780. How do you Affect Others? How do They Influence You?
...the alternation or reverberation of praise, as one person begins, spurring the next person to burst into song, leading to a crescendo of

Vayelech 5780. When was the Torah Written?
Is Revelation a gradual process, responsive to this-wordly events? Or is it an eminence from the Divine, a supernal document that is reveale