Lech Lecha. Is Faith Innate or Acquired?
Questions of faith are not a threat; they are an opening to move from childhood or childish belief to a more sophisticated conception of God

Noach. The Challenge of Technology
“If a person fell and died, they wouldn’t pay attention to him/her but if a brick fell, they would sit and cry and say: how are we going t

Bereshit. "Where art thou?" - Are YOU Hiding?
Adam hides himself to avoid rendering accounts, to escape responsibility for his way of living. Every man hides for this purpose... (Buber)

Vayechi. The Keys to Redemption
Joseph internalized the powerful message; that Israel, Canaan, is home, whereas Egypt is foreign soil.

Vayigash. Tears of Reunion
Joseph has barely begun to grapple with his complicated relationships with his family. Joseph’s tears unleash all the pain and relief ...

Miketz. Awakening Sensitivity
At the time, they were filled with rage and indignation; now they can begin to "hear" Joseph.

Vayeshev. The Temptation of Joseph
With sexual harrassment so much part of our world, the story of Joseph's seduction by Mrs. Potiphar is a perfect opportunity to discuss this

Vayishlach. The Morality of Violence
A rape and a massacre. Does the Torah defend or villify Simon and Levi's killing at Shchem?

Vayetze. Materialism
The most vital substances are the most prevalent in nature, because God, in his great wisdom, designed the world to provide the essentials.

Toldot. Does Birth-Order Matter?
Throughout Sefer Bereshit, the firstborn is deflected and rejected. What might we make of this anti-firstborn message?