Chayei Sarah: The Prayer in the Field
A Human Being “pours out his conversation” before God, sharing his life with God, involving God in his interests, his worries and concerns..

Vayera: Hospitality - A Family Project
Abraham gets the whole family welcoming the guests - It is a family agenda. In contrast, Lot acts alone; his family members are uninvolved.

Lech Lecha: Circumcision - Repudiating Fate
It is not the physical that is of the essence, but that which is beyond it. Our legacy is to refine that which nature gives us.

Bereshit. Is Humanity "Good"?
After each and every act of creation, God looks at the new creation and proclaims: ויהי טוב – “It was good” (1:4,10,13,18,21,25). God makes