Tzav. Isolation, Insulation, and the Power of Immersive Environments
Have you every been immersed in an environment that has profoundly changed you? Summer camp? A period in a yeshiva or seminary? Another inte

Bechukotai. The Power of Many
One might argue: What good is my influence? Our sages taught us that the addition of one person swells the power of the group exponentially

Behar. Words Hurt
Emotional hurt is real, and the Torah drives this home by drawing an equation between emotional pain, and financial loss.

Emor. Damaged Promises
The message of the law of blemishes is not to let enthusiasm die down, to retain religious focus.

Acharei Mot-Kedoshim. Holy Land?
"The land will spew you out!" Can a land demonstrate sensitivity to human sin? That is what is suggested in key lines of our parsh

Shemini. In the Wake of Tragedy
Have you ever encountered a tension between following Halakha or following changing or personal circumstances? Did you adopt Moses’ posit

Tzav. What’s wrong with Hametz?
"The human discovery of breadmaking was a major advancement in food technology, a classic human manipulation of the elements of nature

Behar-Behukotai. The Loyalty of the Land
Can a land retain its loyalty to its nation? Why did the land of Israel lie in ruin for 2000 years?

Emor. Why Count the Omer?
We are currently in the heart of the period known as the Omer, the 49 day-count that links Pesach and Shavuot, and the source of this...

Acharei-Mot-Kedoshim. How to Turn Hate into Love
"Love thy neighbour. Do not hate your brother" How do we override ego and competition, hate, or jealousy towards another individual?