Korach. How to avoid Conflict and Negative Influence
How can we resolve conflict and tension. Three comments by Rashi on the Korach dispute can teach us volumes about our contemporary clashes.
Shelach-Lecha. A Question of Attitude
What is the cause of the Spies’ intimidation, as opposed to Joshua and Caleb’s confidence?
Is this just a question of personality?
Behaalotecha. The Marshmallow Test
Here is a question. Have you ever been driven to purchase an item, only to realise, once you have it, that you don’t really want it at all!?
Nasso. Bless You and Protect You
Can a blessing become a curse" Say, say, wealth or talent; might it lead to arrogance or insensitivity?
Bamidbar. Why a Wilderness?
Why was the Torah given in the wilderness? What makes that environment particularly suitable?
Behar-Behukotai. The Loyalty of the Land
Can a land retain its loyalty to its nation? Why did the land of Israel lie in ruin for 2000 years?
Emor. Why Count the Omer?
We are currently in the heart of the period known as the Omer, the 49 day-count that links Pesach and Shavuot, and the source of this...
Acharei-Mot-Kedoshim. How to Turn Hate into Love
"Love thy neighbour. Do not hate your brother" How do we override ego and competition, hate, or jealousy towards another individual?
Shemini. Nadav and Avihu's Sin
This week’s parsha depicts the excitement of the Mishkan inauguration and the shock of the deaths of the new priests, Nadav and Avihu,...
Tzav. Fires of Renewal
The parsha opens with a peculiar Mitzva. It a simple daily Temple ritual called Terumat Hadeshen. Every morning, a priest ascends the...