Hukkat. A New Generation
It is wonderful to see this new generation - born in the wilderness - confident and secure in their faith in God. This is a new mindset.
Korach 5779. Why Leadership? Why Law?
Korach is not merely critiquing Moses, but he is in fact mocking the Torah, the law. After all, if the whole garment is blue, why do the fri
Shelach Lecha 5779. Reality and Perceived Reality
How do a group of Spies get intimidated by 3 giants? What things intimidate and scare us? What factors trigger our primal emotions?
Behaalotecha 5779. Leadership: Guidance or Empathy?
For Rashi then, the true and trusted leader is the person who is willing to take the whip for his people. The real leader has built the trus
Parashat Nasso. A "sicha" by Rav Lichtenstein: "Also!" - a Service Mindset
Once one adopts the mindset of "service", one has a role to play and you perform that role come what may
Yitro. Love. Fear. Awe.
Why did the Sinai experience have to be so scary? What do we gain by having a powerful, overwhelming display of power?
Haazinu/Sukkot. Living in a Material World
During the Ingathering, the period of joy in human achievement and prosperity, The Torah sends us out to the Sukka to remind ourselves that
Vayelekh. Your Jewish Library!
In every culture there is a requisite corpus of knowledge. These are the Great books that form the bedrock of a culture
Nitzavim. Take it to Heart!
For Rav Kook, the return to God is stimulated not by taking Jewish history to heart, but rather by listening to our inner voice.
Ki-Tavo. National Treasure
Ceremonies are formal, choreographed moments, and yet, they give us the opportunity to appreciate and celebrate life’s blessings.