Vayishlach. Yaakov's Procrastination
Sometimes we know what we should do but its hard to bring ourselves to do it.
Sometimes we don't even know why.

Emor. Education and Internalization
How do we teach?
How do we learn?
How might we educate when a topic is really critical?

Tazria-Metzora. Setting Goals & Making Progress
Just like a musical octave, the eighth note is not a zenith, a peak. Rather it is again the first note of yet another cycle, of a new level.

Tazria-Metzora. Have You ever Been Excluded?
To discuss at the table. Have you ever been excluded? How did it feel? Do you ever look askance at anyone in your community, in your...

Tazria-Metzora & Yom Haatzmaut. Selfishness and Sharing
We live in a super-individualistic age... Tzaraat asks whether we experience empathy, whether we are fulfilling our responsibilities beyond

Vayikra. Do you have time to Think?
"And what purpose did these breaks in the Torah serve? To give Moses an interval for reflection"

Vayikra. A Covenant of Salt
Salt possesses two contrary, contradictory powers - water and fire - which correspond to the two qualities by which the world exists...

Vayikra. The Power of Preparation
Especially in our digital, instant, online age, genuine contact with God must to be preceded by קריאה - by anticipation and preparation

Ki-Tissa. Why Did Moses Smash the Tablets?
Why did Moshe smash the Luchot? Was it spontaneous or planned? What message did it send?

Ki-Tissa. The Golden Calf. Why?
Society's need seeks true answers, spiritual depth, but instead people seek alternatives: material indulgence, shallow ideologies, and