Noach. The Challenge of Technology
“If a person fell and died, they wouldn’t pay attention to him/her but if a brick fell, they would sit and cry and say: how are we going t

Bereshit. "Where art thou?" - Are YOU Hiding?
Adam hides himself to avoid rendering accounts, to escape responsibility for his way of living. Every man hides for this purpose... (Buber)

Sukkot. The Key to Happiness
Our happiness is generated when we serve a higher cause, when we assist others, when we live for something larger than ourselves.

Nitzavim Vayelech/Rosh Hashanna
What you think about, what is your inner intention when you hear the Shofar? How do you feel? What do you do during those sacred moments?

Ki Tavo. Am I a Hypocrite?
What happens when our moral life is hypocritical, when people act religious in public but fail to uphold their standards in private?

Shoftim. Justice "In All Your Gates"
One cannot compare the experience of a judge who lives among those who he must guide and lead. The magistrate is part and parcel of the city

Ekev. The Lessons of Rain
Israel is a place where people look up to heaven in search of rain, not down to earth and its natural water supply. Why?

Re'eh. Open Hearts - Open Hands
The Torah repeatedly uses the term “brother” to depict the recipient of welfare. If we viewed a needy person as a sibling, would we not be

VaEtchanan. Spirit of the Law
The Torah leaves some of the ethics to our personal intuition and conscience. Our moral instincts are the divine voice within us.

Devarim. "Low and High Alike!"
"Hear out low and high alike" - Justice depends upon impartiality, and that is the basis of society.