Ki-Tissa. Face to Face with God
* What does it mean to look someone in the face?
* Why might one be restricted from seeing the face of another?
* Can we see God?

Tetzave. Who is Hiding Under Your Mask?
Does clothing express or obscure my inner essence?

Tetzave. Head and Heart
Do you connect more to Judaism of the head or of the heart?
May different groups in Judaism to have divergent modes of Jewish expression?

Snow, Safari and Zachor
Nature is powerful, but heartless. In nature, only the fittest survive. But we have a heart!

Teruma. A Torah for All Places
The poles shall not be removed" embodies the eternal message that the Torah is in no way bound or confined to location or time.

Yitro. A Human Torah
It is this world which constitutes the stage for the Halakhah... It is here that the Halakhah can be implemented ...

Beshalach. What Can You Not Live Without?
How can we ensure that our routine actions express the values we cherish? How does your Judaism manifest itself in your daily schedule?

Beshalach. The Sound of Music
Which is your favourite tune that is sung in prayer? Can you think of a moment when a tune evoked particularly powerful emotions?

Beshalach. The Tests of Freedom
Instead of self-reliance, God provides day after day, developing a sense of trust and dependence that fosters a relationship with God.

Bo. Actions Speak Louder!
Why does Judaism have so much law? Why is halakha so detailed, penetrating every aspect of life, and concerning itself with minutia?...