Bo. Judaism for Kids. Judaism for Adults
It is not children who have to study as much as adults who are bound by the mitzva of Torah study. Grace after Meals is for every adult Jew.

Bo. Making Time Count
Modernity has brought us “labor-saving devices” to free us to have more leisure, but we still find ourselves slaves to work!

Va'eyra - Are You Free?
Pharaoh then, is trapped by his own decisions. Once he has built his economy on the enslavement of the Israelites, he cannot capitulate

Va'eyra. Our Frantic Lives!
Despite our busy lives, how do we reflect our deepest values and ideals, rather than the latest email? Can we live our values?

Va'eyra. Gratitude
“Since the Nile protected Moses ... it was not struck by him" What are you grateful for? How do you express your thanks?

Shemot. Eyes Wide Open!
The key to Moshe’s great beginnings is his ability to open his mind and heart to injustice... once we begin to see, we cannot "un-see"!

Shemot. Disappointments and Setbacks
In hindsight the Exodus looks smooth and simple. In reality, it was filled with complications and setbacks.

Shemot. In a place where there is no Man
"He saw no Man" - Moses sees that there is no Man, no representative of human morality, on the scene. Moses realizes that human mo

Vayetze. Which Yeshiva Did Yaakov Attend?
We grow up on our parents' Judaism but it isn't sufficient. We need to move away, to reexamine and to reconstruct our own religious world.

Chayei Sarah. Spirituality Every Day
Spirituality may not be confined to Shabbat; it must extend to each and every day of the week