Vayeshev. When Communication Fails
Israelis often pride themselves in being direct. In Israeli slang, this is called speaking “doogri”, straight talk. Is this good?

Vayishlach. Insignificant Verses - Really?
Maimonides, addressing the divinity of the Torah, says that the verse "Timna was a concubine" is equivalent to "Shema Yisrael!

Vayetze: The Value of Self-Doubt
Because we are only human - like Jacob - we always have a choice to live up to our values or to fall short. We may never become complacent.

Toldot. Living for Today, or for Tomorrow?
"A fool wants only to eat, to drink and to indulge their pleasures in the here and now; not to live with a concern for the future."

Vayera. The Akeida's Contrary Commitments
The contradiction of the Akeida is the tension between “religious obligation” on the one hand, and “human obligation” on the other.

Vayelech 5780. When was the Torah Written?
Is Revelation a gradual process, responsive to this-wordly events? Or is it an eminence from the Divine, a supernal document that is reveale

Ki Tavo 5779: Turning a Curse into a Prayer
The Rebbe said, "We have nothing to be afraid of. Let God hear in a loud voice all of our suffering and humiliations..."

Ki Tetze. Chain Effect!
We can at times generate a positive religious energy where we delight in thickening our Jewish world, as we add mitzva to mitzva, building o

Shoftim. Can Our Leaders be Humble?
"The king is the ideal citizen...more a student of the law than a ruler." Both king and commoner have a common goal: to fear God!

Reeh 5779. Milk and Meat. Is it Immoral?
To boil a kid in its mother’s milk is a cruel upturning of the motherly nature. The very substance that nurtures and gives life is being use