Bamidbar. When Does Adulthood Begin?
There used to be four common life phases: childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. Now, there are at least six: childhood, adolescence
Hukkat. A New Generation
It is wonderful to see this new generation - born in the wilderness - confident and secure in their faith in God. This is a new mindset.
Shelach-Lecha. A Question of Attitude
What is the cause of the Spies’ intimidation, as opposed to Joshua and Caleb’s confidence?
Is this just a question of personality?
Nasso. Bless You and Protect You
Can a blessing become a curse" Say, say, wealth or talent; might it lead to arrogance or insensitivity?
Bamidbar. Why a Wilderness?
Why was the Torah given in the wilderness? What makes that environment particularly suitable?