Tazria-Metzora. Have You ever Been Excluded?
To discuss at the table. Have you ever been excluded? How did it feel? Do you ever look askance at anyone in your community, in your...

Tazria-Metzora & Yom Haatzmaut. Selfishness and Sharing
We live in a super-individualistic age... Tzaraat asks whether we experience empathy, whether we are fulfilling our responsibilities beyond

Beshalach. The Tests of Freedom
Instead of self-reliance, God provides day after day, developing a sense of trust and dependence that fosters a relationship with God.

Bo. Judaism for Kids. Judaism for Adults
It is not children who have to study as much as adults who are bound by the mitzva of Torah study. Grace after Meals is for every adult Jew.

Behar-Bechukotai. “To Have” or “To Be”?
Our economic environment can shut out people who get into debt or who fall out of the system. How can we re-balance our society?

Acharei-Mot Kedoshim. Cultural Distancing. Should we Create Jewish Boundaries?
Today, with intermarriage rates over 60% in North America, do you think that Jews need barriers and boundaries to separate ourselves from wi

Vayakhel-Pikudei. Together and Apart
In our world, we have socialism on the one hand and anarchism on the other. Neither of these align with the spirit of Torah...

Teruma. Hypocrisy
There is no hypocrisy in being ashamed of our weaknesses ... the all-important thing is to strive continually to improve ...

Haazinu 5780. How do you Affect Others? How do They Influence You?
...the alternation or reverberation of praise, as one person begins, spurring the next person to burst into song, leading to a crescendo of

Matot-Massei. When a Halakhic Solution Creates a New Halakhic Problem
Not infrequently, clashing legal rulings are reflective of two contrasting and conflicting values, which each reflect correct values.