Teruma: How Do You Tie Your Shoelaces?
Words are good for description, even better for analysis, but pathetically inadequate for teaching how to do something.

Emor. Education and Internalization
How do we teach?
How do we learn?
How might we educate when a topic is really critical?

Ki-Tissa. Why Did Moses Smash the Tablets?
Why did Moshe smash the Luchot? Was it spontaneous or planned? What message did it send?

Bo. Judaism for Kids. Judaism for Adults
It is not children who have to study as much as adults who are bound by the mitzva of Torah study. Grace after Meals is for every adult Jew.

Vayetze. Which Yeshiva Did Yaakov Attend?
We grow up on our parents' Judaism but it isn't sufficient. We need to move away, to reexamine and to reconstruct our own religious world.

Teruma. Hypocrisy
There is no hypocrisy in being ashamed of our weaknesses ... the all-important thing is to strive continually to improve ...

Vayelekh. Your Jewish Library!
In every culture there is a requisite corpus of knowledge. These are the Great books that form the bedrock of a culture

Toldot. How do you Educate Esau?
To try to bring up a Jacob and an Esau in the same school, make them have the same habits and hobbies, want to teach and educate them the s

Vayera: Hospitality - A Family Project
Abraham gets the whole family welcoming the guests - It is a family agenda. In contrast, Lot acts alone; his family members are uninvolved.