Vayikra. Do you have time to Think?
"And what purpose did these breaks in the Torah serve? To give Moses an interval for reflection"

Tetzave. Head and Heart
Do you connect more to Judaism of the head or of the heart?
May different groups in Judaism to have divergent modes of Jewish expression?

Yitro. Can we Curb our Desires?
“Do not covet” says to me: You have what you need. Don’t look around at others. Be satisfied with what you have.

Beshalach. The Sound of Music
Which is your favourite tune that is sung in prayer? Can you think of a moment when a tune evoked particularly powerful emotions?

Va'eyra. Our Frantic Lives!
Despite our busy lives, how do we reflect our deepest values and ideals, rather than the latest email? Can we live our values?

Va'eyra. Gratitude
“Since the Nile protected Moses ... it was not struck by him" What are you grateful for? How do you express your thanks?

Shemot. Eyes Wide Open!
The key to Moshe’s great beginnings is his ability to open his mind and heart to injustice... once we begin to see, we cannot "un-see"!

Behar-Bechukotai. “To Have” or “To Be”?
Our economic environment can shut out people who get into debt or who fall out of the system. How can we re-balance our society?

Vayigash. Embarrassment. Judaism's Fourth Cardinal Sin
Murder is a one-time act, but to shame a person is to commit murder over and over.

Miketz. Stockpile Your Blessings!
If bad times can be anticipated, the good times might offer some perspective and resilience.