Vayeshev. When Communication Fails
Israelis often pride themselves in being direct. In Israeli slang, this is called speaking “doogri”, straight talk. Is this good?

Vayetze: The Value of Self-Doubt
Because we are only human - like Jacob - we always have a choice to live up to our values or to fall short. We may never become complacent.

Vayera. The Akeida's Contrary Commitments
The contradiction of the Akeida is the tension between “religious obligation” on the one hand, and “human obligation” on the other.

Nitzavim 5779. Living Each Day "Today!"
Sometimes we are burdened by the past. Sometimes we find it hard to make a long-term commitment. Can we learn to live each day like it is &q

Ki Tavo 5779: Turning a Curse into a Prayer
The Rebbe said, "We have nothing to be afraid of. Let God hear in a loud voice all of our suffering and humiliations..."

Shelach Lecha 5779. Reality and Perceived Reality
How do a group of Spies get intimidated by 3 giants? What things intimidate and scare us? What factors trigger our primal emotions?

Yitro. Love. Fear. Awe.
Why did the Sinai experience have to be so scary? What do we gain by having a powerful, overwhelming display of power?

Nitzavim. Take it to Heart!
For Rav Kook, the return to God is stimulated not by taking Jewish history to heart, but rather by listening to our inner voice.

Hukkat. An Anger Problem
Maybe the Rabbis called anger idolatry because when a person is overwhelmed by anger, their rage is their master; They are out of control; a

Shemini. In the Wake of Tragedy
Have you ever encountered a tension between following Halakha or following changing or personal circumstances? Did you adopt Moses’ posit