Vayeshev. Would you Kill your Brother?
Joseph made his intentions clear that he wanted to lead the family to a new future. That, it seems, IS a reason to resort to violence
Acharei-Mot-Kedoshim. How to Turn Hate into Love
"Love thy neighbour. Do not hate your brother" How do we override ego and competition, hate, or jealousy towards another individual?
Shemini. Nadav and Avihu's Sin
This week’s parsha depicts the excitement of the Mishkan inauguration and the shock of the deaths of the new priests, Nadav and Avihu,...
Vayigash. Tears of Reunion
Joseph has barely begun to grapple with his complicated relationships with his family. Joseph’s tears unleash all the pain and relief ...
Miketz. Awakening Sensitivity
At the time, they were filled with rage and indignation; now they can begin to "hear" Joseph.
Vayishlach. The Morality of Violence
A rape and a massacre. Does the Torah defend or villify Simon and Levi's killing at Shchem?