Tetzave. Head and Heart
Do you connect more to Judaism of the head or of the heart?
May different groups in Judaism to have divergent modes of Jewish expression?

Yitro. A Human Torah
It is this world which constitutes the stage for the Halakhah... It is here that the Halakhah can be implemented ...

Bo. Actions Speak Louder!
Why does Judaism have so much law? Why is halakha so detailed, penetrating every aspect of life, and concerning itself with minutia?...

Emor. Unplugged! Fostering a Shabbat Atmosphere
As our world becomes more automated, should automated devices on Shabbat? How should we keep the Torah's requirement of "Rest-Shabbaton"?

Acharei-Mot Kedoshim. Cultural Distancing. Should we Create Jewish Boundaries?
Today, with intermarriage rates over 60% in North America, do you think that Jews need barriers and boundaries to separate ourselves from wi

Vayera. The Akeida's Contrary Commitments
The contradiction of the Akeida is the tension between “religious obligation” on the one hand, and “human obligation” on the other.

Ki Tetze. Chain Effect!
We can at times generate a positive religious energy where we delight in thickening our Jewish world, as we add mitzva to mitzva, building o

Reeh 5779. Milk and Meat. Is it Immoral?
To boil a kid in its mother’s milk is a cruel upturning of the motherly nature. The very substance that nurtures and gives life is being use

Korach 5779. Why Leadership? Why Law?
Korach is not merely critiquing Moses, but he is in fact mocking the Torah, the law. After all, if the whole garment is blue, why do the fri

Ki-Tetze. Eating on the Job
The employer must show consideration to the psychological stress of his worker who is surrounded by bountiful fresh fruit.
And yet, the w