Matot-Massei. When a Halakhic Solution Creates a New Halakhic Problem
Not infrequently, clashing legal rulings are reflective of two contrasting and conflicting values, which each reflect correct values.

Mishpatim. Set the Table!
What is more critical, to hear the broad moral statements, the ethical imperatives, or the legal and practical details? - or might it be im

Vayigash. The Secret of Jewish Survival
What is the secret to Jewish survival? Is it a vibrant, compelling Judaism? or possibly is it antisemitism that preserves Jews' identity?

Ki Tetze. Why do Mitzvot?
Prof Shalom Rosenberg compared mitzvot to one of two different laws: Are they akin to the requirement to wear an army beret or a seat belt?

Shoftim. Justice "In All Your Gates"
One cannot compare the experience of a judge who lives among those who he must guide and lead. The magistrate is part and parcel of the city

VaEtchanan. Spirit of the Law
The Torah leaves some of the ethics to our personal intuition and conscience. Our moral instincts are the divine voice within us.

Hukkat. Choose Life!
"Judaism abhors death, organic decay, and dissolution. It bids one to choose life and sanctify it."

Acharei-Mot-Kedoshim. How to Turn Hate into Love
"Love thy neighbour. Do not hate your brother" How do we override ego and competition, hate, or jealousy towards another individual?

Shemini. Nadav and Avihu's Sin
This week’s parsha depicts the excitement of the Mishkan inauguration and the shock of the deaths of the new priests, Nadav and Avihu,...