Teruma. A Torah for All Places
The poles shall not be removed" embodies the eternal message that the Torah is in no way bound or confined to location or time.

Vayeshev. When Communication Fails
Israelis often pride themselves in being direct. In Israeli slang, this is called speaking “doogri”, straight talk. Is this good?

Lech Lecha: Sins and Virtues of our Avot and Imahot
Can religious figures be open to criticism? What happens when the Bible narrates their sins?

Haazinu/Sukkot. Living in a Material World
During the Ingathering, the period of joy in human achievement and prosperity, The Torah sends us out to the Sukka to remind ourselves that

Nitzavim. Take it to Heart!
For Rav Kook, the return to God is stimulated not by taking Jewish history to heart, but rather by listening to our inner voice.

Toldot. How do you Educate Esau?
To try to bring up a Jacob and an Esau in the same school, make them have the same habits and hobbies, want to teach and educate them the s

Nitzavim Vayelech/Rosh Hashanna
What you think about, what is your inner intention when you hear the Shofar? How do you feel? What do you do during those sacred moments?