Chayei Sarah. Spirituality Every Day
Spirituality may not be confined to Shabbat; it must extend to each and every day of the week

Vayera. The Akeida's Contrary Commitments
The contradiction of the Akeida is the tension between “religious obligation” on the one hand, and “human obligation” on the other.

Toldot. How do you Educate Esau?
To try to bring up a Jacob and an Esau in the same school, make them have the same habits and hobbies, want to teach and educate them the s

Chayei Sarah. Social Seclusion
When should we integrate in secular society and when should we advocate for seclusion and separateness?

Toldot. Does Birth-Order Matter?
Throughout Sefer Bereshit, the firstborn is deflected and rejected. What might we make of this anti-firstborn message?

Chayei Sarah: The Prayer in the Field
A Human Being “pours out his conversation” before God, sharing his life with God, involving God in his interests, his worries and concerns..