Vayetze. Which Yeshiva Did Yaakov Attend?
We grow up on our parents' Judaism but it isn't sufficient. We need to move away, to reexamine and to reconstruct our own religious world.

Vayechi. The Miracles that Surround Us
"Earning a livelihood is greater than redemption": Usually we see divine protection (a.k.a redemption) in the hands of God, beyond

Vayeshev. When Communication Fails
Israelis often pride themselves in being direct. In Israeli slang, this is called speaking “doogri”, straight talk. Is this good?

Vayishlach. Insignificant Verses - Really?
Maimonides, addressing the divinity of the Torah, says that the verse "Timna was a concubine" is equivalent to "Shema Yisrael!

Vayetze: The Value of Self-Doubt
Because we are only human - like Jacob - we always have a choice to live up to our values or to fall short. We may never become complacent.

Lech Lecha: Sins and Virtues of our Avot and Imahot
Can religious figures be open to criticism? What happens when the Bible narrates their sins?

Vayechi. The Lessons of Diversity
Our Jewish world has many different sectors. Each has its own ideology and emphasis. But can we also appreciate and learn from each other?

Vayeshev. Would you Kill your Brother?
Joseph made his intentions clear that he wanted to lead the family to a new future. That, it seems, IS a reason to resort to violence

Vayishlach. Is Antisemitism Inevitable?
Is antisemitism a virus that is borne in every generation, waiting to pounce, or is Jew-hatred itself a temporary aberration of history

Vayetze: Yaakov's Work-Ethic
"The implicit idea in all the advertising you see is that, ideally, you shouldn’t work at all... work is a necessary evil!