Shelach Lecha 5779. Reality and Perceived Reality
How do a group of Spies get intimidated by 3 giants? What things intimidate and scare us? What factors trigger our primal emotions?

Ki-Tavo. National Treasure
Ceremonies are formal, choreographed moments, and yet, they give us the opportunity to appreciate and celebrate life’s blessings.

Ki-Tetze. Eating on the Job
The employer must show consideration to the psychological stress of his worker who is surrounded by bountiful fresh fruit.
And yet, the w

Ekev. Mindful Eating
We use the blessing of our basic sustenance as a springboard to thank God not merely for individual nourishment but for national flourishing

Pinchas. The Power of Few
This is a heroic drama of women who took upon themselves the task of reviving the national faith in the land. They were successful, and the

Acharei Mot-Kedoshim. Holy Land?
"The land will spew you out!" Can a land demonstrate sensitivity to human sin? That is what is suggested in key lines of our parsh

Shelach-Lecha. A Question of Attitude
What is the cause of the Spies’ intimidation, as opposed to Joshua and Caleb’s confidence?
Is this just a question of personality?