Teruma: How Do You Tie Your Shoelaces?
Words are good for description, even better for analysis, but pathetically inadequate for teaching how to do something.

Tetzave. Who is Hiding Under Your Mask?
Does clothing express or obscure my inner essence?

Tetzave. Head and Heart
Do you connect more to Judaism of the head or of the heart?
May different groups in Judaism to have divergent modes of Jewish expression?

Teruma. A Torah for All Places
The poles shall not be removed" embodies the eternal message that the Torah is in no way bound or confined to location or time.

Vayakhel-Pikudei. Together and Apart
In our world, we have socialism on the one hand and anarchism on the other. Neither of these align with the spirit of Torah...

Teruma. Hypocrisy
There is no hypocrisy in being ashamed of our weaknesses ... the all-important thing is to strive continually to improve ...

Tetzave. Do Aesthetics Matter?
Beauty is a value in Judaism aesthetics are only good as long as they carve a path to God. First, aesthetics can become a god in itself...

Balak 5779. Are we Losing our Privacy?
For Rashi, the special aspect of the camp is that people have regard for each others' privacy. The tent openings do not face each other.

Parashat Nasso. A "sicha" by Rav Lichtenstein: "Also!" - a Service Mindset
Once one adopts the mindset of "service", one has a role to play and you perform that role come what may

Shemini. In the Wake of Tragedy
Have you ever encountered a tension between following Halakha or following changing or personal circumstances? Did you adopt Moses’ posit