Tzav. What’s wrong with Hametz?
"The human discovery of breadmaking was a major advancement in food technology, a classic human manipulation of the elements of nature

Vayakhel-Pikudei. Second Chances
“It was called the Sanctuary of the Testimony, for it bore witness: "Let the gold within the Sanctuary to atone for the gold of the Calf!

Teruma. Where do you meet God?
The Tabernacle imitates and to some degree, replicates Mount Sinai. It even has a pillar of fire over it and cloud surrounding it!

Shemini. Nadav and Avihu's Sin
This week’s parsha depicts the excitement of the Mishkan inauguration and the shock of the deaths of the new priests, Nadav and Avihu,...

Vayakhel-Pikudei - Connecting with God
How does the Mishkan connect us to God?