Vayikra. Do you have time to Think?
"And what purpose did these breaks in the Torah serve? To give Moses an interval for reflection"

Vayikra. The Power of Preparation
Especially in our digital, instant, online age, genuine contact with God must to be preceded by קריאה - by anticipation and preparation

Ki-Tissa. Why Did Moses Smash the Tablets?
Why did Moshe smash the Luchot? Was it spontaneous or planned? What message did it send?

Ki-Tissa. The Golden Calf. Why?
Society's need seeks true answers, spiritual depth, but instead people seek alternatives: material indulgence, shallow ideologies, and

Ki-Tissa. Face to Face with God
* What does it mean to look someone in the face?
* Why might one be restricted from seeing the face of another?
* Can we see God?

Teruma. A Torah for All Places
The poles shall not be removed" embodies the eternal message that the Torah is in no way bound or confined to location or time.

Bo. Making Time Count
Modernity has brought us “labor-saving devices” to free us to have more leisure, but we still find ourselves slaves to work!

Va'eyra. Gratitude
“Since the Nile protected Moses ... it was not struck by him" What are you grateful for? How do you express your thanks?

Shemot. Eyes Wide Open!
The key to Moshe’s great beginnings is his ability to open his mind and heart to injustice... once we begin to see, we cannot "un-see"!

Shemot. Disappointments and Setbacks
In hindsight the Exodus looks smooth and simple. In reality, it was filled with complications and setbacks.