Shemot. In a place where there is no Man
"He saw no Man" - Moses sees that there is no Man, no representative of human morality, on the scene. Moses realizes that human mo

Vayakhel-Pikudei. Together and Apart
In our world, we have socialism on the one hand and anarchism on the other. Neither of these align with the spirit of Torah...

Devarim. Timeless Torah; Timely Torah
By translating Torah into seventy languages, Moses is asserting that the Torah has what to say to every culture.

Matot 5779. Empathy and Unity
No Jew may remain passive, unconcerned, apathetic, when another sector of the Jewish people is in distress.

Pinchas. Leaders Decide. Great Leaders Consult
Leaders of the future will not be like Moshe. Now authority needs checks and balances, decisions need to made in consultation; there needs t

Hukkat. A New Generation
It is wonderful to see this new generation - born in the wilderness - confident and secure in their faith in God. This is a new mindset.

Behaalotecha 5779. Leadership: Guidance or Empathy?
For Rashi then, the true and trusted leader is the person who is willing to take the whip for his people. The real leader has built the trus

Yitro. Love. Fear. Awe.
Why did the Sinai experience have to be so scary? What do we gain by having a powerful, overwhelming display of power?

Va'etchanan. When God says "No!"
One of the siren calls of our culture is 'having it all'. Behind it lies the idea that we can do, or be, or have everything - if not

Devarim. Do you Believe in Giants?
For Maimonides, Og was twice the height of average people or a bit more. This is undoubtedly rare in the human race, but in no way impossibl