Pinchas. The Power of Few
This is a heroic drama of women who took upon themselves the task of reviving the national faith in the land. They were successful, and the

Hukkat. An Anger Problem
Maybe the Rabbis called anger idolatry because when a person is overwhelmed by anger, their rage is their master; They are out of control; a

Korach. Wealth, Power, Corruption
Moses has not merely been condemned for leadership failure, not only attacked for the nepotism of appointing his brother. He is subject to a

Behaalotecha. Moses in Crisis
"The seventy elders all receive their prophecy from Moses and Moses empowers and illuminates them all, but loses nothing in this overf

Shemini. In the Wake of Tragedy
Have you ever encountered a tension between following Halakha or following changing or personal circumstances? Did you adopt Moses’ posit

Vayakhel-Pikudei. Second Chances
“It was called the Sanctuary of the Testimony, for it bore witness: "Let the gold within the Sanctuary to atone for the gold of the Calf!

Devarim. "Low and High Alike!"
"Hear out low and high alike" - Justice depends upon impartiality, and that is the basis of society.

Korach. How to avoid Conflict and Negative Influence
How can we resolve conflict and tension. Three comments by Rashi on the Korach dispute can teach us volumes about our contemporary clashes.

Shelach-Lecha. A Question of Attitude
What is the cause of the Spies’ intimidation, as opposed to Joshua and Caleb’s confidence?
Is this just a question of personality?

Behaalotecha. The Marshmallow Test
Here is a question. Have you ever been driven to purchase an item, only to realise, once you have it, that you don’t really want it at all!?