Beshalach. What Can You Not Live Without?
How can we ensure that our routine actions express the values we cherish? How does your Judaism manifest itself in your daily schedule?

Beshalach. The Tests of Freedom
Instead of self-reliance, God provides day after day, developing a sense of trust and dependence that fosters a relationship with God.

Chayei Sarah. Spirituality Every Day
Spirituality may not be confined to Shabbat; it must extend to each and every day of the week

Bereshit. Are Morals Innate?
Adam and Eve were EXPLICITLY instructed not to eat from the tree. In contrast, murder or fratricide had not been explicitly outlawed! Humani

Lech Lecha. Is Faith Innate or Acquired?
Questions of faith are not a threat; they are an opening to move from childhood or childish belief to a more sophisticated conception of God

Ki Tavo. Am I a Hypocrite?
What happens when our moral life is hypocritical, when people act religious in public but fail to uphold their standards in private?

Nasso. Bless You and Protect You
Can a blessing become a curse" Say, say, wealth or talent; might it lead to arrogance or insensitivity?

Vayera: Hospitality - A Family Project
Abraham gets the whole family welcoming the guests - It is a family agenda. In contrast, Lot acts alone; his family members are uninvolved.

Lech Lecha: Circumcision - Repudiating Fate
It is not the physical that is of the essence, but that which is beyond it. Our legacy is to refine that which nature gives us.

Launching "The Parsha Discussion"
I am excited to launch "The Parsha Discussion," a new project that I am inaugurating for 5777. It is a weekly post that is designed to...