Hukkat. An Anger Problem
Maybe the Rabbis called anger idolatry because when a person is overwhelmed by anger, their rage is their master; They are out of control; a
Shelach Lecha. Reminders
Tzitzit generate an awareness that we are all ambassadors for and servants of the Almighty, we all have a mission to sanctify the world.
Nasso. Sacred or Sinner?
To achieve holiness must we step back from society? Are our lives too coarse, too profane, too indulgent, to achieve sanctity?
Bamidbar. Building a Nation. Person by Person
The all-comprising national collective consists of two concentric circles. The congregation is formed by tribes and every tribe by families
Emor. Damaged Promises
The message of the law of blemishes is not to let enthusiasm die down, to retain religious focus.
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim. Holy Land?
"The land will spew you out!" Can a land demonstrate sensitivity to human sin? That is what is suggested in key lines of our parsh
Shemini. In the Wake of Tragedy
Have you ever encountered a tension between following Halakha or following changing or personal circumstances? Did you adopt Moses’ posit
Vayakhel-Pikudei. Second Chances
“It was called the Sanctuary of the Testimony, for it bore witness: "Let the gold within the Sanctuary to atone for the gold of the Calf!
Teruma. Where do you meet God?
The Tabernacle imitates and to some degree, replicates Mount Sinai. It even has a pillar of fire over it and cloud surrounding it!
Vayechi. The Lessons of Diversity
Our Jewish world has many different sectors. Each has its own ideology and emphasis. But can we also appreciate and learn from each other?