Tetzave. Who is Hiding Under Your Mask?
Does clothing express or obscure my inner essence?

Tetzave. Head and Heart
Do you connect more to Judaism of the head or of the heart?
May different groups in Judaism to have divergent modes of Jewish expression?

Tetzave. Do Aesthetics Matter?
Beauty is a value in Judaism aesthetics are only good as long as they carve a path to God. First, aesthetics can become a god in itself...

Shelach Lecha. Reminders
Tzitzit generate an awareness that we are all ambassadors for and servants of the Almighty, we all have a mission to sanctify the world.

Nasso. Sacred or Sinner?
To achieve holiness must we step back from society? Are our lives too coarse, too profane, too indulgent, to achieve sanctity?

Shemini. In the Wake of Tragedy
Have you ever encountered a tension between following Halakha or following changing or personal circumstances? Did you adopt Moses’ posit

Shemini. Nadav and Avihu's Sin
This week’s parsha depicts the excitement of the Mishkan inauguration and the shock of the deaths of the new priests, Nadav and Avihu,...