Tazria-Metzora. Have You ever Been Excluded?
To discuss at the table. Have you ever been excluded? How did it feel? Do you ever look askance at anyone in your community, in your...

Tazria-Metzora & Yom Haatzmaut. Selfishness and Sharing
We live in a super-individualistic age... Tzaraat asks whether we experience empathy, whether we are fulfilling our responsibilities beyond

Tetzave. Who is Hiding Under Your Mask?
Does clothing express or obscure my inner essence?

Snow, Safari and Zachor
Nature is powerful, but heartless. In nature, only the fittest survive. But we have a heart!

Yitro. Can we Curb our Desires?
“Do not covet” says to me: You have what you need. Don’t look around at others. Be satisfied with what you have.

Bo. Making Time Count
Modernity has brought us “labor-saving devices” to free us to have more leisure, but we still find ourselves slaves to work!

Va'eyra - Are You Free?
Pharaoh then, is trapped by his own decisions. Once he has built his economy on the enslavement of the Israelites, he cannot capitulate

Bamidbar. When Does Adulthood Begin?
There used to be four common life phases: childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. Now, there are at least six: childhood, adolescence

Behar-Bechukotai. “To Have” or “To Be”?
Our economic environment can shut out people who get into debt or who fall out of the system. How can we re-balance our society?

Acharei-Mot Kedoshim. Cultural Distancing. Should we Create Jewish Boundaries?
Today, with intermarriage rates over 60% in North America, do you think that Jews need barriers and boundaries to separate ourselves from wi