Tzav. Isolation, Insulation, and the Power of Immersive Environments
Have you every been immersed in an environment that has profoundly changed you? Summer camp? A period in a yeshiva or seminary? Another inte

Toldot. Living for Today, or for Tomorrow?
"A fool wants only to eat, to drink and to indulge their pleasures in the here and now; not to live with a concern for the future."

Noach. Getting Drunk!
Is drinking a healthy thing? What are its dangers?
Do you see people drinking to enjoy life or to escape life?
Do you think that adults you

Shoftim. Can Our Leaders be Humble?
"The king is the ideal citizen...more a student of the law than a ruler." Both king and commoner have a common goal: to fear God!

Reeh 5779. Milk and Meat. Is it Immoral?
To boil a kid in its mother’s milk is a cruel upturning of the motherly nature. The very substance that nurtures and gives life is being use

Massei 5759. The Vigilante, and Value of a Life
Murder is such a fundamental offence, life cannot merely continue, society cannot remain the same

Ki-Tetze. Eating on the Job
The employer must show consideration to the psychological stress of his worker who is surrounded by bountiful fresh fruit.
And yet, the w

Nasso. Sacred or Sinner?
To achieve holiness must we step back from society? Are our lives too coarse, too profane, too indulgent, to achieve sanctity?

Teruma. Where do you meet God?
The Tabernacle imitates and to some degree, replicates Mount Sinai. It even has a pillar of fire over it and cloud surrounding it!

Vayechi. The Lessons of Diversity
Our Jewish world has many different sectors. Each has its own ideology and emphasis. But can we also appreciate and learn from each other?