Vayeshev. Would you Kill your Brother?
Joseph made his intentions clear that he wanted to lead the family to a new future. That, it seems, IS a reason to resort to violence

Vayishlach. Is Antisemitism Inevitable?
Is antisemitism a virus that is borne in every generation, waiting to pounce, or is Jew-hatred itself a temporary aberration of history

Vayetze: Yaakov's Work-Ethic
"The implicit idea in all the advertising you see is that, ideally, you shouldn’t work at all... work is a necessary evil!

Toldot. How do you Educate Esau?
To try to bring up a Jacob and an Esau in the same school, make them have the same habits and hobbies, want to teach and educate them the s

Chayei Sarah. Social Seclusion
When should we integrate in secular society and when should we advocate for seclusion and separateness?

Shoftim. Justice "In All Your Gates"
One cannot compare the experience of a judge who lives among those who he must guide and lead. The magistrate is part and parcel of the city

Re'eh. Open Hearts - Open Hands
The Torah repeatedly uses the term “brother” to depict the recipient of welfare. If we viewed a needy person as a sibling, would we not be

Korach. How to avoid Conflict and Negative Influence
How can we resolve conflict and tension. Three comments by Rashi on the Korach dispute can teach us volumes about our contemporary clashes.

Vayeshev. The Temptation of Joseph
With sexual harrassment so much part of our world, the story of Joseph's seduction by Mrs. Potiphar is a perfect opportunity to discuss this

Vayetze. Materialism
The most vital substances are the most prevalent in nature, because God, in his great wisdom, designed the world to provide the essentials.