Ki-Tissa. The Golden Calf. Why?
Society's need seeks true answers, spiritual depth, but instead people seek alternatives: material indulgence, shallow ideologies, and

Ki-Tissa. Face to Face with God
* What does it mean to look someone in the face?
* Why might one be restricted from seeing the face of another?
* Can we see God?

Yitro. Can we Curb our Desires?
“Do not covet” says to me: You have what you need. Don’t look around at others. Be satisfied with what you have.

Beshalach. The Sound of Music
Which is your favourite tune that is sung in prayer? Can you think of a moment when a tune evoked particularly powerful emotions?

Chayei Sarah. Spirituality Every Day
Spirituality may not be confined to Shabbat; it must extend to each and every day of the week

Behar-Bechukotai. “To Have” or “To Be”?
Our economic environment can shut out people who get into debt or who fall out of the system. How can we re-balance our society?

Vayetze: The Value of Self-Doubt
Because we are only human - like Jacob - we always have a choice to live up to our values or to fall short. We may never become complacent.

Toldot. Living for Today, or for Tomorrow?
"A fool wants only to eat, to drink and to indulge their pleasures in the here and now; not to live with a concern for the future."

Lech Lecha: Sins and Virtues of our Avot and Imahot
Can religious figures be open to criticism? What happens when the Bible narrates their sins?

Ki Tetze. Chain Effect!
We can at times generate a positive religious energy where we delight in thickening our Jewish world, as we add mitzva to mitzva, building o