Ekev. Mindful Eating
We use the blessing of our basic sustenance as a springboard to thank God not merely for individual nourishment but for national flourishing

Emor. Damaged Promises
The message of the law of blemishes is not to let enthusiasm die down, to retain religious focus.

Teruma. Where do you meet God?
The Tabernacle imitates and to some degree, replicates Mount Sinai. It even has a pillar of fire over it and cloud surrounding it!

Vayetze: Yaakov's Work-Ethic
"The implicit idea in all the advertising you see is that, ideally, you shouldn’t work at all... work is a necessary evil!

Ekev. The Lessons of Rain
Israel is a place where people look up to heaven in search of rain, not down to earth and its natural water supply. Why?

Shemini. Nadav and Avihu's Sin
This week’s parsha depicts the excitement of the Mishkan inauguration and the shock of the deaths of the new priests, Nadav and Avihu,...

Vayakhel-Pikudei - Connecting with God
How does the Mishkan connect us to God?

Chayei Sarah: The Prayer in the Field
A Human Being “pours out his conversation” before God, sharing his life with God, involving God in his interests, his worries and concerns..