Beshalach. What Can You Not Live Without?
How can we ensure that our routine actions express the values we cherish? How does your Judaism manifest itself in your daily schedule?

Vayetze. Which Yeshiva Did Yaakov Attend?
We grow up on our parents' Judaism but it isn't sufficient. We need to move away, to reexamine and to reconstruct our own religious world.

Lech Lecha: Sins and Virtues of our Avot and Imahot
Can religious figures be open to criticism? What happens when the Bible narrates their sins?

Simchat Torah 5780. God at the Center
...for seven days of Sukkot we commit ourselves to Torah and Halakha in our lives, and only then, on Simhat Torah does the Torah itself incl

Vayelech 5780. When was the Torah Written?
Is Revelation a gradual process, responsive to this-wordly events? Or is it an eminence from the Divine, a supernal document that is reveale

VaEtchanan 5799. Parents and Children
The family is the foundry of faith. Through the education and instruction given by parent, the values of the child are forged, among these,

Devarim. Timeless Torah; Timely Torah
By translating Torah into seventy languages, Moses is asserting that the Torah has what to say to every culture.

Vayelekh. Your Jewish Library!
In every culture there is a requisite corpus of knowledge. These are the Great books that form the bedrock of a culture

Vayigash. The Secret of Jewish Survival
What is the secret to Jewish survival? Is it a vibrant, compelling Judaism? or possibly is it antisemitism that preserves Jews' identity?