Vayikra. Do you have time to Think?
"And what purpose did these breaks in the Torah serve? To give Moses an interval for reflection"

Teruma. A Torah for All Places
The poles shall not be removed" embodies the eternal message that the Torah is in no way bound or confined to location or time.

Yitro. A Human Torah
It is this world which constitutes the stage for the Halakhah... It is here that the Halakhah can be implemented ...

Beshalach. The Sound of Music
Which is your favourite tune that is sung in prayer? Can you think of a moment when a tune evoked particularly powerful emotions?

Teruma. Hypocrisy
There is no hypocrisy in being ashamed of our weaknesses ... the all-important thing is to strive continually to improve ...

Vayishlach. Insignificant Verses - Really?
Maimonides, addressing the divinity of the Torah, says that the verse "Timna was a concubine" is equivalent to "Shema Yisrael!

Yitro. Love. Fear. Awe.
Why did the Sinai experience have to be so scary? What do we gain by having a powerful, overwhelming display of power?

Bamidbar. Why a Wilderness?
Why was the Torah given in the wilderness? What makes that environment particularly suitable?

Mishpatim. Blind Faith?
Who is the greater believer, the person who follows God blindly, or an individual who makes well-reasoned, informed decisions? Is...