Shemot / Exodus
Click on a title to access the relevant article
1. The Ramban's Introduction To Shemot: Shades of Redemption
2. The Slippery Slope into Slavery
3. "And God Sought to Kill Him" - Moses in Danger
1. The Ten Plagues. A Lesson In Faith
2. PODCAST - Two Strategies in Redemption - Contrasting Shemot and Vaeyra
3. PODCAST - "Uncircumcised Lips" - Speech and Redemption
1. Hachodesh Hazeh Lachem – New Moons And The Renewal Of The Soul
2. The Blood On The Doorposts
3. When Text contradicts Tradition – Torah Shebichtav vs. Torah Sheb'al Peh
The Dubious Effect Of Miracles
2. Shirat Hayam– Structure and Message
1. Yitro's Visit – Chronology and its Meaning
2. The Ten Commandments – Structure and Significance
3. Three Closing Commandments – a Different Sacrificial Code?
2. Elokim or Elohim? - The Human Judge and God.
1. The Ordering of Parashat Teruma - the Mishkan Construction
2. The Ark and the Altar: Man in Search of God, or God in Search of Man?
3. Mishkan and Ohel - The Hidden Mishkan
2. "Tamid" - Continual Relationship
Ki Tissa
2. Moses' Prayer – "Lama Yomru HaGoyim": Should Jews care what the World Thinks?
3. The Face of Moses – a Biography of Moshe Rabbeinu
4. PODCAST The Golden Calf. Two Approaches (link)
5. PODCAST Who earned forgiveness for the Golden Calf? - Moses or Israel? Rashi vs. Ramban
Vayakhel- Pikudei
1. Shabbat and Mishkan – What is the Connection?
2. Vanity Mirrors
3. Three accounts of the Mishkan's Dedication